Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Friday, August 25, 2006


literally. janaki and i were robbed -and lesley too, though she wasnt there.

long story, but we met some guys at a bar. janks liked one of em, i thought the other was a real dick.

i was right.

we all went back to janakis apartment and then i went home and left them there. at some point, the dickhead went into my bag and stole $40 out of my purse, he also went into janakis bedroom and stole money out of her drawer, and lesleys drawer, and took janakis float out of her work apron, and her money and credit cards out of her wallet. and then he took off. janaki realised he was gone and that her stuff was missing, and the 'good' guy, james, says call the cops, and then he took off as well.

of course the cops arent gonna do shit. we didnt have last names, but the guy drove a silver jag, you think they could track that pretty fast.

anyways. poor janaki. what little fuckers. not to mention that the guy, james, knew some of the girls i work with -how dumb can you get? unfortunately the little ho-bag doesnt even know his last name either and the number she has for him is old (and for some reason she is very reluctant to give it to me).

so when our friend ross from the rcmp gets back from holiday, hes gonna have some investigating to do for us....

(oh i made over $200 last night -after tip out -sweeeet, well made up for the $40 that was nicked)


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