Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gamble Everything for Love

good old ben lee. he put on a great show. the venue was pretty cool. very old with tiers of tables and chairs and then the floor. joey and i sat right up the back -i didnt have my glasses, so it didnt matter where we sat, i wouldnt have seen any better. though i should say there isnt really a bad seat in that place, its set up pretty good. and i guess cos he isnt so well known here he played all his hit songs. he even covered some cool canadian songs (one was modest mouse -float on) which made joe very happy.

because it was such a cheap gig, i didnt feel under any pressure to pay strict attention to what was going on on stage, so we just sat right up the back and talked and listened and drank beer. after th egig he was signing autographs and stuff. i unintentionally jumped the queue and shook his hand and just said thanks, i felt like i was home for a while. i was a bit tipsy, but not tipsy enough to let joey meet ben lee and pretend to be australian.

so joey is a whole other story. the poor boy. he said all the things you would expect, that he misses her, but he knows he misses the intimacy of a relationship and someone you know so well. he knows he should be single, but he said hes no good at being single and he will probably just fall straight into another relationship. i just hope its not with one of the tarts from oreganos. he said they have already started to 'carve him up'. i was so restrained. i am so proud of myself, but im still terrified that im going to wait so patiently for the right opportunity to tell him how i feel and then miss it altogether. he must know. there was a couple of moments i was sure he was feeling exactly the same way as me, but who knows. afterwards, we went across the street and he got some pizza and let out his aggression on a video game. we were kind of going to go somewhere else, but then he said he should go home (work at 8am). there were some great hugs and lots of kisses on the cheek (from me). and then my favourite moment from the whole evening, when i forgot i had my hair pinned back and ran my fingers through it, i said oops -forgot about that. he pushed my hair back from my face (for the 2nd time that night) and said it was adorable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

restraint restraint you are doing so well, lotsa love from your Dad xxxxxxxxxxx

2:20 AM  

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