Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Phone

i caved. i just ordered a "cell" phone. actually they do say mobile over here sometimes but it sounds more like mobil (as in the petrol station), so i just tend to say cell, its one less thing to get laughed at over. ha ha.

its not really fancy, but now that i have a full time job and will be making decent money i figure i can afford $50 a month. the thing that stopped me from getting one before was that i had to pay for incoming calls, but with this plan, so long as i am in ottawa i dont have to pay for incoming, and i get 100 free daytime minutes, 1000 free night/weekend minutes and 50 free sms. but how crazy is this: i have to pay extra for the phone number to show up on my phone when someone calls me -even if theyre in my phone book. and i dont mean name display (here if you have caller display on your home phone it shows the name of the person or company calling you), i just mean plain old 'the phone number the call is coming from'. weird. anyway, theyll send it to me so i should get it in the next couple of days. cool huh?


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