Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Just a Reminder

i love remembering that i am in japan. and that real japanese people do really japanese things. today i tried on a kimono that takamis mother might lend me to wear to takamis wedding. they have a huge chest of drawers in their bedroom filled with kimonos and all the accessories. it looks like hundreds of kimono but actually its only about 20 because there are so many layers to a full ensemble that there are about 4 packages per kimono. first there is the light cotton undershirt and wraparound skirt, then an under kimono, usually quite elaborate and beautiful in itself, then the actual kimono, then the obi (belt).
i am having a lot of trouble finding anything to wear in the normal shops so i may go for the traditional look, though it is very uncomfortable and there are so many layers that all get doubled up around the waist area, it isnt very fl
also tucked away in the terao kimono cupboar
d were the outfits takami and her brother koji wore when they were younger for girls (march 3) and boys (may 3) days. so cute, mini hakama (pants) and jacket type kimono, navy blue with a beautiful eagle design and the terao house symbol for koji, and a pink and white kimono with the same wagon motif as her mothers kimono for takami. the wagon is the emperors wagon and is a good luck symbol like the crane. crazily, all the kimonos they have have only been worn once or twice!
on friday takami and i will go to a rental shop to see what they have there and check out prices. oh, i will also have to pay to get someone to dress me in it....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roxi. this is gorgeous. So amazingly Japanese & exotic.
Love you babe.
Joey here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3:39 PM  

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