Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Monday, April 17, 2006

At Last

so i did something constructive yesterday, i climbed a mountain. i am surprisingly not very sore today... maybe it will hit me tomorrow.
there is a mountain out my window, that is actually only a 10 minute walk from my
apartment, and a pretty heavy going hour or so hike up to the top. well, actually if you have a tricksy guide like we did, we never seemed to reach the top, there was always one more hike that would take us just a little bit higher.... but i did it all, and when i got to the (actual) top i met this fabulous 70 year old nana. though i dont think she had hiked from all the way at the bottom.... there is a road that goes to halfway and then 2/3rds of the way. but still very impressive.

the weather was nice enough today for me to wash my sheets and get them dry in one day. finally.

i tried on some dresses today as i need to find a wedding outfit. i am so fat. oops. oh well. more climbing mountains hey?


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