Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Dark Moon

well well, last night was a little ca ray zee.

first, in the afternoon, takami called me and told me she wanted to get a divorce because she had a fight with michael and he threw a chair. i tried to calm her down and explain they are both really stressed about the wedding.

then when coby and i were not invited on a drive with our friends (and coby's girlfriend), coby lost it downed about 6 bottles of sake in an hour, and tried to crack onto another japanese girl. he spent the rest of the night insulting everyone and had his girlfriend mayumi in tears. when i tried to comfort her and explain that he was just mad, but not at her, he told me to fuck off and leave his girlfriend alone.

needless to say he had some apologising to do today. he says he doesnt remember though.... excuses huh.

also shizuka dumped erik, which has been a long time coming, but i guess i wasnt really expecting it. she has been very cozy with a few of the new teachers recently. especially ben the past couple of nights, im pretty sure they hooked up last night. poor erik, when i called him and asked if he was ok, he wasnt even sure if she had broken up with him. of course the boys like ben who want to get into shizukas pants justify it by saying he shouldnt have moved away, and he shouldnt cheat on her all the time, but they dont know the whole story, and its only from louis' big mouth that she thinks he was cheating on her. he didnt (well, once).

all in all a very weird night, to-ing and fro-ing and arguments and abuse, and people hooking up...


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