Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Storm Warning

well, they say it never rains but it pours. i have always suffered from this problem. the past month has been just a little crazy on the Boy Front and im not quite sure why.... probably because im about to leave japan.

so patricia is totally cool (well, maybe not 100%, but lets say 99.9%). she got back from her holiday and brought a jboy home the next night to cheer herself up. so water under the bridge there.

have been out A Lot this week. but great fun.
wednesday i was a bit Pissed Off because atsushi cancelled on me, so i dragged all the boys out for drinking and karaoke. so much fun. friday we undertook another nomihodai at domadoma (Y1000 -how can you resist it?). p and i found some japanese girls we knew and dragged them along too. then spent most of the night talking about the most graphic and Intimate Issues in the middle of a restaurant where people cant understand you, it was great! the jgirls were fascinated and asking many questions, as were we of them... 'do jgirls like giving head' etc (actually that was cobys question). soooo classy. and p was trying to score with the cute 19 yo waiter....

on another note, i have been having the Strangest Dreams. last week i dreamt about dick van dyke and chim chim cheroo. i only remembered when, the next day, a student told me they loved mary poppins, and it all came flooding back. weird, especially cos that was the first time i had ever heard a japanese person mention mary poppins. and then last night i dreamt that i had my right eye missing. just a big empty socket. and in my dream my depth perception was all screwy too. i kept looking at it in the mirror.

so jeff was a Total Arsehole last night and normally i can forgive him pretty easily but the more i think about it, the more i know hes not getting out of this one. ok, so i can handle him rejecting me romantically, but last night he interrupted me mid-sentence and said he didnt want to talk to me. there was no one else there or anything. it wasnt that he wanted to put the moves on some girl so i should make myself scarce, it was a flat out insult to me personally and i told him that hes really lucky he didnt get a Big Fuckin Slap. i was too shocked to do anything. his excuse was he had just been talking to a really drunk person and he wasnt drunk so he didnt want to listen to any more drunk talk. there are so many things wrong with that, i didnt know where to begin. the number of times i have listened to jeffs Drunk Drivel. i was fuckin irate. anyway, he wont be forgiven for this one. i have never experienced him being so rude before.

urgh, im getting all shitty just thinking about it.

so tonight shouldbe a nice relaxing night at home. coby is coming over to smoke some pot with me and hang out. p is in onomichi for the night. how cosy....


Blogger JoeyJoJo said...

Don't listen to any more of Jeff's drunk drivel.

7:18 PM  

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