Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Monday, March 13, 2006

...and a Crazy Night was had by All

well well, where to start. ok, so i guess i can start with the fact that last week we were finally hitting temperatures in the High Teens, and then today it was snowing. just a little crazy....

hmmmm, i did not go on a date with atsushi.. miscommunications will happen with Language Barriers. his night off is wednesday not saturday, which i had original
ly thought was odd anyway. i discovered this on thursday when, after a busy session of nomihodai at doma doma (at which there were some wonderfully obnoxious renditions of 'america -fuck yeah: the team america theme song', but no one ate 'a cuttlefish dries one night'.. sounds like a haiku doesnt it?), patricia and i somehow found our way back there.. we were in the company of some very conceited chinese girls with their old sugar daddies and didnt stay long as it was quite busy and the girls were rather annoying. i really hope that he was joking when i asked him what we should do on wednesday night and he said have sex (your japanese doesnt need to be that good to understand sexu o shimasu).

got myself in a spot of bother with pattie this week. well, there wasnt really any bother, but i guess i had merely been Let Off The Hook. she kind of finished things with the guy downstairs.... and well, i hope i dont need to go into details.... she has gone to fukuoka for a few days, so maybe will have cooled off when she gets back. wait, its not as bad as it sounds. she said she didnt care (she is the one with a fiancee to Go Back To...), but i think that was said after the fact that it didnt go very far and i said it wouldnt go further, but then it did and i should have been more discreet about it is all -maybe. whatever.

now i wish i hadnt given this site address to my parents. not because theyre prudish (at all), but because they'll be Disappointed in my mistreating a friend. hey, im disappointed in me, i really didnt realise the floors in these apartments were as un-soundproof as the walls....

on another note, i am taking baby steps getting closer to canada. will send my ticket off for a refund, and go straight from japan. have sent off visa bits and pieces and im just waiting to hear back from my friend over there before i book anything for sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

discretion is a good trait to cultivate but what the heck you know we'll still love you to bits bright eyes - cheekee's dad

2:34 AM  

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