Still Searching

Wanted: experiences excitement laughter romance love lust fun friendships dreams

Friday, June 13, 2008

well, its been nearly 2 weeks, and my hope is dwindling.

oh well, it was worth a shot.

as for the socket, i am mostly drug free, and making a steady recovery. though i did have to go back to the dentist again last week.. (a new dentist as mine went on holiday for a week..... probably all for the best...)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Socket it to me -real good

ouch. really really ouch. i had a wisdom tooth pulled on friday, and then i got a "dry socket". sounds fun huh? yep. google it.

anyway, now i have a wad of clove oil soaked fibre stuffed in my empty socket, that oozes clove everytime i touch it or eat or drink. its really gross.

great excuse not to go to work. i went for half a day today. its all a bit blah. especially when i have just applied for my dream job, but am pretty sure i wont hear back about it, since i called them today and they got like 500 applications. it is for the position of animal educator with wild action. maybe dont google that... you might not get what you're looking for... instead go here.

so, pray for me. fingers crossed. hopefully my enthusiasm and passion will shine through in application letter..... maybe i'll have to change my blog name....