The Pimp Apartment
well, after a bit of cleaning it really isnt so bad. its canada day tomorrow, so i guess i wont get around to much this weekend, but one day we will have a cleaning bee (i hope) and get stuff organised.
in the meantime, it'll be fine, i dont spend a lot of time here, and when im here i just chill in my room -which is looking nice by the way. i just need curtains and a blanket.... about 10 minutes after this photo was taken, i couldnt see beyond those highrises for the rain and cloud....
canada day should be big, then its joeys birthday on sunday, but i really dont know if i should go. janaki might not go and i dont really want to go and torture myself watching him with his girlfriend! (who by the way is really nice -of course)
why cant i find someone just like him, that hasnt already been snapped up huh? story of my life.